Sabtu, 21 November 2015

Udah lama banget ya gw gak curhat di blog ini. Terakhir curhat itu tahun 2013 sekarang dah 2015 udah lama banget kan wkwkwk :D. Sekarang gw mau curhat tapi pake bahasa inggris wkwk :D

Dear You,

You are different, jealousy, bring feeling really, but you are the one. That I really love instead. I do not want to lose, do not go, and do not leave me.... I'm comfortable with you. I want you with me always believe that in my heart this only you. You should know, I'm not a possessive and jealous late, I only people do not want to lose you and not wish you owned the other....
So please do not change....
Because of you, my life became beautiful.........................

remember the message from me


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